twithash - a shell script to search tweets (uses wget and awk)
#=cut here=======================================================
if [ "$1" == "" ] ; then echo "Usage: twithash searchterm (nb. # added automatically)"
else wget -q -O -$1|awk '/title/ { gsub("[<</]*title>","") ;text=$0} /<name>/{ gsub ("[<</]*name>",""); split($0,N);print N[1]":"substr(text,4)}'
use with "watch" command to monitor a twitter hashtag in a shell
eg. watch -n 60 twithash qanda
example output:
armagny: #qanda Penny Wong continues to impress with self control and absence of sneer or carp.
armagny: #qanda Unethical spin spend is where you take money given for policy advisers & give to journos, or other flakes
BLOWFLYwine: Clean coal is vaporware... but if Penny doesn't sell it, the government would be concerned about losing future tax revenue #qanda